Randolph Center Auto Repair & Autobody provides auto body, auto repair and maintenance, brakes, engine repair, shocks, and suspension to the Randolph, MA area.
Year Established
- Collision Repairs
- Frame Straightening
- Paintless Dent Repair
- Durable Baked Paint Finishes
- Bumper Repair
- ABS Service
- Check Engine Diagnosis
- Airbag Service
- Paintless Dent Removal
- Shocks and Struts
- Tire Replacements
- Batteries
- Exhausts
- Headlight Restorations
- Brake Pads
- Disc Brakes
- Brake Fluid
- Drum Brakes
- Brake Rotors
- Brake Assembly
- Radiators
- Alternators
- Serpentine Belts
- Starters
- Spark Plugs and Wires
- Check Engine Light Repair
- Full-Service Engine Repair
- Tune-Ups and Oil Changes
- Steering
- CV Joints
- Tire Repairs
- Wheel Alignment
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